Friday, November 28, 2008

Hey fellow terrorists...2 kafirs down the next window..says NDTV news..gotta be true

 hello dear reader....Today the sky is not visible know why? because my country is on fire....smoking taj mahal hotel, splattering blood of policemen,commandos , hostages and hopefully some blood thirsty terrorists, bullets whizzing past everyone's ears, hand grenades thrown to and fro like a tennis ball in the court..And an air of terror and fear ..thats all one can see arround today..

But what one can also see is a bunch of over excited individuals..with microphones and cameras running all over the place..filming the finest of details possible, around the place..Yes they indeed are our utmost responsible journalists..
I might be the least informed person as far as this case is concerned, after reading this blog i might look like the most foolish person to you, but this is my point of view or may be this isn't..because today i try put myself in the shoes of or rather in the tear drenched cloth of the wife of an Indian army man..who gallantly gave away his life for this rescue mission, who died for the most noble cause possible..who died for his country..he can be anyone of those brave men..

I picture myself sitting in some far off home..thousand miles away from mumbai , where my husband is, holding a gun in his hand and prepared to do whatever it takes to save lives and kill the bastards hiding inside taj mahal hotel..
iam watching this news channel showing the mayhem in the city..watching the windows of the hotel emit fire like a dragon's husband is a sniper..his job is to hide in a strategic location outside and shoot at the very glimpse of a terrorist..yes, he does his job well..but unfortunately so does the media..may be a bit too well ..

My husband was placed at a point..which would have been pretty covered and safe until this female reporter jumped on the screen from no where and screamed at the top of her voice on the micro phone.. "dear viwers..this is NDTV live and we are the only channel showing where exactly have the army strategists placed their snipers. they are right underneath the shed on the left side of hotel close to the window. this exclusive inside report was brought to you by NDTV..we will keep you all updated with the latest happenings ..thank you."

15 minutes later a grenade was thrown out of the window and it landed right ,on all the smiles 
that were left in my life..And indeed they were shattered to bits and pieces along with my husband..
Thanks to the journalists..i will never see my husband again..I recieved the news on my phone after some time ...before which i had not unfolded my hands for hours i was praying for his safety..after that i couldn't remove them from my eyes in a wasteful attempt to control the husband died for the cause he was prepared to die but was this the way he had picturised it..was the T.R.P. given by the sensational report worth taking every happy moment of my life..
Iam not one of the highly educated modern women of this country..iam not like you miss journalist. My very hope of happiness lies in the date written on my husband's sanctioned leave letter..when he will finally come back for his family....for me.
"If only" you could have spared a piece of information.."If only" you took out a moment to think of humanity rather than your promotion after the coverage of this news.."If only" you weren't a sensationalism hungry selfish monster..i would've been waiting for my husband on the door in a few days from now..
but what you have left in my life are the 2 words "if only"

what i wrote above is a hypothetical situation ..but i don't think its too far from a might be a true experience for some one out there..because what media did today is a murder in my books..
i have nothing personal against journalists, but yeah when my countrymen, my country's police and army man die due to heart weeps blood..And i have very less left to like you ever..

This goes out as a request to the media ..i fold my hands and plead in front of you..please think before what you do..please never repeat these mistakes ..because terrorism is not going to stop soon..but you can draw a line and stop..your mistake might just prove to be a bullet through someone's head..THINK..